The Kumon Method

The Kumon Method was born from a parent’s love for his child.

In 1954, Toru Kumon, a high school maths teacher, found that his son in Year 2 primary school had done poorly in a mathematics test. Slow, imprecise calculation skill was the reason. This concerned Toru Kumon as a parent, and as a mathematics teacher. He had taught many high school students who struggled with mathematics for the same reason. 

Toru Kumon began to hand write worksheets so his son could practise calculations by himself for half an hour every day. Day after day, Toru Kumon carefully matched the content to his son’s improving ability. Soon, his son progressed beyond school grade level.

By the end of primary school Toru Kumon’s son could solve calculus equations. Encouraged by his son’s progress, in 1958, Toru Kumon released the Kumon Method of Learning.

At KUMON, learning is individualised.

In Kumon, worksheets are matched to students’ current ability. The most advanced students are extended and the least advanced supported. Each makes progress at their own pace, not bound by age and school grade. 

Today, more than 4.2 million students, in over 60 countries are learning through the Kumon Method.

The KUMON method has four key aspects.

Click on the headings to learn more about each one.