Programmes & Benefits

Gift your child the joy of learning.
Kumon introduces your Early Learners to important Math and Reading skills. These skills will help to give your child a great head start and strong foundation for Primary School.
Basic math and reading skills make the early years of young children count. The Kumon Mathematics Program develops your child’s very first math skills, including counting, writing numbers, mental calculations and even simple arithmetic skills such as addition and subtraction.
The Kumon English EFL and Thai Reading Program start your child off with fun “Look, Listen and Repeat” worksheets. Colorful illustrations help your child to connect words with familiar objects, and eventually start putting words together.
Your child’s academic advantage starts here with Kumon. Through individualized instruction and our meticulously designed worksheets, your child is allowed to progress at his or her own pace and eventually learn topics beyond school grade level.
In math, practice does make perfect. The Kumon Mathematics Program helps your child develop a firm foundation in arithmetic, fractions, decimals and more, while improving study skills. By independently solving a wide range of math problems, your child will continually progress and be challenged to learn even topics beyond school grade level.
Good writing comes with good reading skills. The Kumon English EFL and Thai Reading Program open up your child’s world of possibilities through reading. The Kumon worksheets can propel your child on a lifelong reading journey, where improved vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, interpretation and summarization become an asset throughout school, and beyond.
Advanced math skills and strong reading ability will benefit your child beyond school.
Your child will be equipped with self-learning ability which helps develop critical and analytical skills. These skills will help your child build a strong body of academic work, and become better prepared for tertiary education, and a career. With an individualized assessment, your child’s Kumon Instructor will determine the right starting point for him or her.
For Mathematics, your child’s progress continues, step by logical step, building skills needed for secondary school level advanced math and calculus. It’s an excellent way to prepare your child for tertiary courses which require advanced mathematical skills.
A strong reader excels not only in a range of academic subjects, but also in everyday life. As your child studies complex texts in literature, you’ll soon see advances in reading, a better understanding of content, the ability to form and support well-thought-out opinions, and more.
The Kumon Programme

The KUMON method has four key aspects.

Click on the headings to learn more about each one.
When students advance ahead of school grade level in the Kumon worksheets, they learn for themselves what they are yet to be taught at school. When they encounter something new, they study the example, draw on previous learning and give it a try. Students try, and try again, until they finally get it.
Kumon Instructors discover and draw out the potential of each individual student. Our Instructors achieve this through observation of each student, paying careful attention to academic ability and personality. Instructors then provide effective support to ensure that a student always studies at the ‘just-right’ level. Instructors track and acknowledge each individual student’s growth, and offer praise and encouragement.
What Our Customers Are Saying

What Our Customers Are Saying

Kumon makes me feel, “I can do it.”
“Before I knew Kumon, mathematics was my problem. I studied Grade 10 in Math-Science Program. It became a critical problem that affected other subjects, like physics or Chemistry since all of them required mathematics foundation. I certainly felt that I could not go on. But when I knew Kumon, I studied hard on it and hoped that if my mathematics was better, so was the other subjects. I reached my school grade in the next 1 year. I almost got perfect scores for every test. Through this 1 year, I studied hard on Kumon worksheets and never gave up because nothing was worse than being left behind in mathematics class. That was unforgiving scenario. I started my Kumon from the content which I already could do it. I took it step by step. I liked it because I can do it. Especially at school, I was very happy because I could catch up with the class. What makes me a Kumon Completer is the sense that I can overcome the lessons which become gradually difficult. It was the courage of defeating the toughness. Because of Kumon, I know “I can do it.”. “Difficulty” does not matter for studying Kumon since one day we can get over that “Difficulty” with our effort.”“The most important thing from Kumon is self-learning skills that help me search and learn things on my own.”
“When I was in senior high school, there was an examination for Gifted Math Program which consisted of mathematics and science tests. Kumon helped me a lot in mathematics test. Reviewing lessons before the test was not necessary. Kumon well built the foundation to study in senior high school. Even though the study beyond school grade was not easy, it helps in study at school because we have been through it already. The most important thing from Kumon is self-learning skills that help me search and learn things on my own. Another thing acquired from Kumon is discipline and time management. I can complete the program because I have a study goal. No matter what the goal is, I strive to achieve it and do my best. That is the drive towards the completion of the program.”“Kumon Worksheets is well-designed in term of psychological learning so that children can acquire skills from doing them.”
“I have acquired patience and discipline from studying Kumon. It took about a year that my grade results were better, especially my English was much better. When I was in Grade 10, I went abroad to study in U.S.A. for a year, I utilized plenty of knowledge from Kumon English EFL, like reading, writing and speaking. Kumon helps me in writing grammatically including quick writing and composing various kinds of sentences. Kumon is different from other tutorial schools because good study progress is resulted by consistent homework doing. Also, at Kumon I can see my study progress clearly since the completion time and mistakes had been well recorded in the record book. I had checked my record books very often to learn and correct the mistakes. Kumon worksheets are well-designed in term of psychological learning so that children can acquire skills from doing them.”